Those Invisible Termites.

Sterling Bank
Published: January 16, 2023

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termites 002

I’m sure we all heard the news about the “Termites Invasion” on our nation’s N17bn expenditure receipts (sigh).  Old gist but lasting impact. I know we all have opinions about it but for today, my landing question would be- What do you do so the same thing doesn’t happen to you? That chunk of money disappearing right under your nose? Naaah, not good enough. Let’s deal with those termites.


So first things first- How do you handle your business finances, ensure that your money is safe and all transactions are accounted for in full detail, maintain control and stay in the loop of things even when you have other businesses to attend to? Looks like a heap of questions to answer, but trust me, it is super necessary.


As a business owner or manager, you’re probably thinking, “So what are accountants for?” Or “That’s why I have my financial audit team”. Well yes, I’m aware you have all these people, and probably the best ones, but you’ve got to know what your pocket says at all times, and lucky you, I’ve got the solution and I’m willing to let you in on the juice.

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Now, imagine a secured digital platform where you can manage these finances, so you know what your accountants are up to per time. You get detailed notifications first-hand when transactions are made. You have access to all transaction history. You know where and to whom your money is flowing to. You have full details of all your vendors. All at your fingertips.

With these features, you stay informed without being a bother. This platform I’m so gassed about is a business financial management platform. Ta da! Something that simple can make your life easy, and keeps the “termites” out of your finances. 

I’ll recommend OneBank for personal finance and Sterling Pro for business transactions. Try them out and thank me later!😉


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