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From Talk to Action: Tangible Outcomes from the Africa Social Impact Summit

Sterling Bank
Published: August 21, 2024

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Africa Social Impact Summit (ASIS) - Delegates on the Podium

The recent Africa Social Impact Summit (ASIS), organized by Sterling One Foundation, wasn’t just another talk shop. It was a catalyst for real change, sparking immediate action and concrete results. Let’s take a look at some of the significant outcomes that emerged from this groundbreaking event.


Deals Sealed in the Deal Room

One of the most exciting developments came from the Deal Room, where we witnessed the power of connecting investors with innovative businesses. Moolu VC, one of the investors we brought into the room, signed two funding deals worth a total of $200,000. These investments went to two promising ventures:


1. ArtisanOga:

A platform connecting skilled artisans with clients, potentially revolutionizing the informal sector.

2. PressPayNG:

A fintech solution addressing payment challenges in Nigeria.


These deals not only provide crucial funding for these businesses but also validate their potential to create significant social impact.


Corporate Partnerships for Youth Empowerment

During the Talent Attraction and Management Panel, we received an exciting announcement from Soromidayo George, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director at Coca-Cola HBC. She revealed a new youth empowerment initiative that Coca-Cola HBC will be launching in collaboration with Sterling One Foundation later this year. This partnership demonstrates how the summit is fostering collaborations between corporates and non-profits to address pressing social issues.


Guiding Philanthropy for Greater Impact

In a move to enhance the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts, we launched a comprehensive philanthropy guide for non-profits. This guide maps out key areas where Nigerian private sector CSR funds have been invested over the last decade. By providing this valuable insight, we aim to:




1. Help non-profits align their programs with areas of corporate interest

2. Identify gaps in funding that need attention

3. Encourage more strategic and impactful CSR investments


The Road Ahead

These outcomes demonstrate that the Africa Social Impact Summit is more than just a meeting of minds – it’s a launchpad for action. The funding deals, corporate partnerships, and resource guides are just the beginning. They represent the summit’s potential to drive real change by connecting ideas with resources, and vision with action.


As we move forward, we’re excited to see how these initiatives unfold and what new partnerships and projects will emerge. The journey from talk to action has begun, and we’re committed to keeping this momentum going.


Stay tuned for updates on these projects and more as we continue to work towards a more sustainable and equitable future for Africa. The Africa Social Impact Summit may be over, but its impact is just beginning to unfold.

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