Adjusting from long fun-filled lazy holiday season to the early-rising rigors of a new school year can be quite challenging for both you and your child. And it can grow worse if you are not yet ready for them because the grumpiness would be on another level. From getting them the latest barbie bags to making sure that matching outfits with their best friends are ready, apart from the tuition and textbooks payments that need to be made, we anticipated these and here are a few ways we can help you with them.
While care-givers are sorting out the basics, they need to also handle the little foxes that spoil the vine. The negligible habits that have the capacity to ruin a smooth back-to-school sail this September. Ensure that holiday projects are completed and vetted by you.
These vetting sessions gets their brain accustomed to school work because a few adjustments to the assignments preps their minds for the coming school year and exempts them from being punished thereby securing their happiness. Old habits die hard, they say and that is why patterns like staying up late and midnight snacking can be complicated to break, especially when screen time is not curtailed. Help you kids understand that school is about to start, and these luxuries must end. And while you’re at it, you must be sure that the essentials are taken care of and completely so.
Below are some ways we have thrown you a bone because we know that it can get crazy at times:
Get the Best Babysitters.
The combination of tending an infant and working a job this period can be the most overwhelming activity for parents at times like this. Grandmas can be extremely helpful now but what if they are currently unavailable and there is a deadline you need to achieve? It’s just best to eliminate the ‘What Ifs’ and get you a nanny. www.everynanny.ng has proven to be reliable.
That way, your kids can ‘go to work’ in peace.
Last-Minute Tuition Is Still Possible.
It’s a week or two to resumption day and no one likes excuses, not even schools. Children too don’t like to be embarrassed and we know that you wouldn’t want to receive debtor mails or letters nor allow them to get driven from class for something that a quick loan can help you deal with. Even if you need it in a hurry, www.myspecta.com will pull through for you.
You can get up to 5 Million Naira in 5 minutes once you are profiled. Getting ready to call Specta? No quick thought though – we all know that being prepared is an important determinant of success. While Specta can save you on short notice, you don’t need to wait for the rainy day to plan for your child’s education.
Planning for the next back-to-school in January is not a bad one at all, especially after all the end-of-year fun, travels and partying.
Try doubling your saving efforts with Doubble, a targeted investment service that gives you an insight into how much you need to save in order to reach a goal while rewarding you with double of your savings when it’s time to cash out. See www.doubble.ng
At Sterling, we understand that education is at the HEART of equipping our children to become the leaders of tomorrow.