I Promise Not to Gossip in 2023…

Sterling Bank
Published: January 13, 2023

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You would probably say New Year Resolution is a scam. 

We set the same resolutions over and over again (rephrased in different ways, but same, same), and never really stick to it.

But what if we’re  the ones doing it the wrong way, slamming ourselves with a long list of far-fetched resolutions year after year! Phew!

Sometimes easy is the way to go, and here’s a few of the easy ones (kind of) you can work at daily to improve the quality of your life in 2023. I gat you!


1. Stop gossiping.

Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. So, don’t be that person. Spread positivity everywhere you go this year. Trash your gossip bag with 2022!


2. Drink more water.

Do you know about 75% of us are CHRONICALLY dehydrated? Oh yeah!

There’s no other way to say it, drink up! Your body is dying for a sip.


3. Be kind on social media.

If you must leave a comment, be nice. In this age of rising cyber bullying, don’t be the cause of someone’s depression, or worse, death. A bully online is a bully offline.


4. Go somewhere you’ve never been.

…and eat something you’ve never eaten before. My point is, try new things, explore more, you’ll learn new things and expand your network. You don’t even need to worry about money, Ultracard is here to help you do more.

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5. Write down your goals

All of it!!! Whatever your goals are, per time, write them down and keep editing until it becomes clearer. Your mind would attract what you’re only clear about.

I could go on and on, but then you won’t read to the end (I know you 😏). So I’ll just end here. However, In the spirit of new year resolutions, be kind and drop a nice comment 😁


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