Emergencies Happen: Essential First Aid You Need to Survive

Victor Odogwu
Published: November 6, 2024

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A doctor fixing bandage on a man's leg

So you’re on your own, minding your own business, when all of a sudden your buddy takes a nasty spill and starts bleeding all over the place. Or your co-worker passes out from the heat. Or your little cousin chokes on his agege bread. What do you do? Call the ambulance and wait for the professionals? Nah, My G – you take matters into your own hands! That’s where first aid comes in.

First aid is the emergency treatment given to an injured or suddenly ill person before medical help arrives. As a good Nigerian, it’s your civic duty to know some basic first aid so you can jump into action and save the day. Think of it like being a superhero, but without the spandex suit and big ego.


Emergencies Happen Essential First Aid You Need to Survive


When Might You Need First Aid?

First aid can come in handy in all kinds of situations. Let’s say your uncle is messing around and accidentally slices his hand open. Or your aunt gets a bad case of food poisoning from that questionable suya she had for dinner. Maybe your little cousin Chidi takes a header off the veranda and cuts up his knee. These are all situations where first aid could make a big difference.

But first aid isn’t just for injuries and illnesses – it can also be crucial in emergency situations.

Picture this: there’s a fire in your neighborhood, and someone is trapped inside. Or there’s a terrible car accident, and people are hurt. Even natural disasters like the recent flood in Borno could require first aid to help the victims. In these high-stress moments, knowing first aid could literally be the difference between life and death.

What Should You Do?

Alright, so you know when first aid might be needed, but what exactly should you do? The key is to remember the three Ps: Preserve life, Prevent further injury, and Promote recovery.

First, make sure the scene is safe for you to approach. You can’t help anyone if you end up needing help too. Once the coast is clear, assess the situation and figure out the most urgent issues. Is the person bleeding heavily? Not breathing? Unconscious? Prioritize the most serious problems and deal with those first.


How to Handle Bleeding

1. Stay Calm (Yes, even if there’s blood everywhere!)
– Take a deep breath
– Put on gloves if available (or use a plastic bag if you have one)
– If no protection is available, try to avoid direct contact with blood

2. Stop the Bleeding
– Grab the cleanest cloth you can find (a fresh handkerchief, towel, or even a clean t-shirt)
– Press HARD directly on the wound (don’t be gentle – bleeding needs pressure!)
– Keep pressing! Don’t lift the cloth to check if it’s still bleeding
– If blood soaks through, add another cloth ON TOP (don’t remove the first one)

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Dealing with Burns

1. Cool It Down ASAP
– Get the person to a water source immediately
– Run COOL (not cold or hot) water over the burn for at least 10 minutes
– Don’t use ice! (It can make the burn worse)
– Don’t put butter, toothpaste, or engine oil (Yes, some people try this – don’t!)

2. After Cooling
– Cover loosely with a clean cloth
– Don’t burst any blisters
– Don’t stick the cloth to the burn


When Someone is Choking

1. Check if They’re Really Choking
– Ask “Are you choking?”
– If they can speak, cough, or breathe – let them cough it out
– If they can’t speak or are making a ‘silent’ cough – act fast!

2. Help Them Out
– Stand behind them
– Wrap your arms around their waist
– Make a fist with one hand and place it just above their belly button
– Cover your fist with your other hand
– Pull sharply inwards and upwards (like you’re trying to lift them)
– Repeat until the object comes out
– If they become unconscious, lay them down and start CPR


For an Unconscious Person

1. Check If They’re Really Unconscious
– Call their name loudly
– Gently shake their shoulders
– If no response, they’re unconscious

2. Recovery Position (When they’re breathing normally)
– Kneel beside them
– Place the arm closest to you out at a right angle
– Put their other hand across their chest
– Bend their far knee up
– Roll them towards you
– Tilt their head back slightly
– Open their airway
– Call for help

A male nurse about to administer CPR

3. If They’re Not Breathing Normally
– Call for help immediately
– Start CPR:

  • Place heel of your hand in center of chest
  • Put other hand on top
  • Push down hard and fast (about 100-120 pushes per minute)
  • After 30 pushes, give 2 breaths if you know how
  • If not comfortable with breaths, just keep pushing
  • Continue until help arrives or they start breathing normally

If you’re unsure what to do, focus on keeping them breathing and stopping any bleeding

Pro Tip: Save emergency numbers on your phone NOW:

  • Nigerian Emergency Number: 112
  • Save your local hospital’s number
  • Save numbers for trusted taxi services (in case ambulance is delayed)


Remember, You’re not a doctor, so don’t try to be a hero and handle everything yourself. Your job is to stabilize the patient until the real pros can take over.

Don’t Panic, Just Act

Look, we get it – first aid can seem intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before. But don’t stress! The most important thing is to stay calm and just do what you can. Even the simplest actions, like calling for help or keeping the patient comfortable, can make a huge difference.

So next time your cousin’s “Bingo” gets loose and takes a chunk out of your aunt’s leg, don’t freak out. Channel your inner Super-Man, remember your three Ps, and get to work. Your quick thinking could save a life – and get you mad respect from the fam.

Oya, you’re now officially that friend who can save the day! But why stop here?

Slide into Healthbanc for more hot gist on living your best, healthiest life.

Because preventing wahala is even better than fixing it!

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