I Can Save

Secure Their Tomorrow. Open a Kid’s Saving Account Today !

Build the Right Habits,
Secure Their Future

Every child’s dream deserves to take flight. An ‘I Can Save’ account isn’t just a piggy bank – it’s a launching pad! Every naira saved, every kobo deposited helps them soar on their incredible journey.
  • Minimum account opening balance of ₦2,000.
  • Daily minimum balance of ₦1,000.
  • Allows lodgment of cheques and dividend warrants of up to ₦2million.
  • Incentive of ₦250,000 to beneficiary that have scores of all A’s in SSCE/Cambridge O ’level in at least 8 subjects at one sitting.
  • Attractive interest rate.
  • Availability of school fees credit facility.
  • Account is operated by parent/guardian on behalf of minor.
  • Parent’s/Guardian’s Valid Means of Identification.
  • Parent’s/Guardian’s BVN and NIN.
  • One recent passport sized photograph each of minor and parent/guardian.
  • The birth certificate of the minor/International passport or evidence of age.
  • A utility bill issued within the last 3 months.
Give your child a head start on financial success. Open their I Can Save account today.
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We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.

— Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian economist (World Economic Forum, 2015)
