Living Through COVID-19

Maurice Igugu
Published: March 16, 2020

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Speculations are all over the internet as to how something in the African genes repels the operation of the virus in this part of the world.

However, letting your guard down on the basis of unconfirmed and unverified information is usually one of the quickest ways that situations with little or no initial impact, spiral out of control without corresponding measures to tackle them. It is usually in those moments that we reminisce the days we did not have to protect ourselves, that danger prowls and because we have not built a mechanism to adequately counter the ensuing emergency, we fall prey.

Now more than ever, hand-washing and other measures have become a requisite for our collective survival. If we internalise these recommended habits -regular hand-washing, social distancing, isolations if under the suspicion of infection, quarantine if you believe you have been in contact with someone who has the virus’ symptoms, the scramble for hand sanitisers will reduce and we can channel the exorbitant cost to other necessities.


Anyways, for those of us who might not have access to running water nor can afford the small luxury of sanitizers, here are a few steps on making your own.

First, make available rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, aloe vera gel (sold in the nearest supermarket or cosmetic store) and any essential oil within your reach. Mix ⅔ of rubbing alcohol with ⅓ of gel and two drops of oil and stir. Pour into spray bottles preferably and you are good to go!

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Image result for essential oils

Please don’t hike the price as has been the case worldwide, LOL.

In addition, please note that hand-washing still remains the safest way to protect yourself. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or to the duration it takes to sing the happy birthday song twice. The picture below explains why. 

Also, keep in mind your most frequently handled items. Research shows that there are more germs on your phone and keyboard than on a toilet seat. So, schedule a phone cleaning session today!

And very importantly, do not spread fake news. Visit for verified information and kindly share same.


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