With Multi-Currency Savings on Switch, you can save and manage money in different currencies—perfect for global spenders and savvy savers alike!
Switch offers a range of investment products, giving you smart ways to grow your money and secure your financial future!
Take control with smart budgeting tools. Track spending, set goals, and personalize your financial strategy.
With Wallets and Accounts on Switch, you can easily manage your funds, make transfers, and keep all your finances in one place, hassle-free!
Enjoy zero-fee cross-border transfers to Nigerian bank accounts for the first 6 months after you sign up on Switch. Subsequent transactions will be charged.
Switch's Request Payment feature makes it easy to ask for money—whether it's splitting bills or getting paid, all it takes is a few taps!
Switch is a multi-currency savings account that provides customers with added value through an extended partnership network. Our goal is to equip you with the right information and to hold your hand through the journey towards building a financially healthy lifestyle and future. With Switch, you’re able to address multiple financial needs through a marketplace that gives you the power to make choices on financial products across lending, investments and insurance products.
Traditional Banks in Nigeria don’t seem to offer any real value anymore or provide the needed guide, so we Switched it up. Switch is a multi-currency savings account that gives you real choice and control of your finances, in one place, with complete transparency. This account comes with new lending, investment and insurance opportunities, at better rates. The Switch difference is to empower you to plan your future, build wealth and achieve your goals.
Switch is designed for people who want convenient banking that gives more value – access to loans, income from investments and protection from mishaps with insurance. Switch would also benefit Nigerians in Diaspora who want an easy way to send money home and take advantage of investment opportunities in Nigeria.
Switch is accessible to any Nigerian anywhere in the World.
Here are some of the financial institutions who are providing value to you on the Switch platform:
Recalling successfully completed bank transfers is possible – but with requirements like an affidavit from the recipient of the transaction, existence of funds in recipient’s account, and recipient’s consent. This means that you may not be able to recall a transaction without contacting us and recalls usually take 3-7 working days, provided the recipient’s consent was gotten.
To speed up the process, we encourage our customers to contact us with all the information that they have about the transaction including the account number, time stamp and amount of money transferred.
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