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The new and complete end-to-end digital banking platform for financial institutions

About Omni X?

Omni X is our flagship, all-inclusive solution, designed to offer automated, end-to-end, digital services for businesses ranging from commercial and microfinance banks, FinTechs, insurance companies, asset management firms, pension fund managers, cooperatives, large corporates, multinational enterprises and more.

How does Omni X support your business?

Built on cutting edge, secure technology, Omni X supports your financial services business by:


Offering your business a range of investment vehicles such as:

  1. Treasury Bills
  2. Naira and FX Fixed  Deposit Placements
  3. Call Deposits
  4. Discounted Bankers Products
  5. Structured Notes Offers
  6. Commercial Papers

Liquidity Management

Deliver credit facilities inclusive, but not limited to:

  1. Prime Brokerage Solutions
  2. Overdrafts/Cash backed Term Loans
  3. Share Trading Settlement Finance
  4. Pension Retiree Schemes
  5. Insurance Annuity Loans
  6. Invoice Discounting Facilities
  7. Debt & Equity Financing

Advisory Services

Deliver insightful, valuable competitive intelligence with weekly analyses of macro and micro economic trends to inform investment decisions

Benefits To Your Business

With Omni X, your business enjoys: 


Creating an accessible one-stop channel for all your transactions processing needs

Improved Efficiency

Speeding up your transactions processing time through real-time gross settlements

Increased Output

Through digitized systems that minimize human errors associated with manual processing

To get Omni X? for your financial institution

If you would like to get Sterling FI for your firm or know more about how Sterling FI can enhance your business, please fill the form below, and our Client Coverage team will be in touch right away: 

I always tell my students 'never forget where you come from and always praise the bridges that carried you over.

— Tsitsi Dangarembga, Zimbabwean author and filmmaker (Interview with The Guardian, 2020)

