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Agriculture is a right.
Not a Privilege

About Sterling Super Agro

The Sterling Supa Agro is a targeted savings account that enables smallholder farmers, members of farmers cooperatives, agro input dealers and agricultural value chain players access loans using their savings as security.

It incorporates both features of a savings and current account and includes a short-term loan/revolving overdraft facility subject to account performance

Why Supa Agro Savings?

We are building the culture of savings amongst smallholder farmers as well as increase their access to financing via their savings held. Once user’s savings reach a threshold, credit is approved.
  • Excellent Savings History
  • Improved Savings Awareness/Strategy
  • Credit support for your business
  • Business support & advisory

Who can save with us?

Anyone with interest in agriculture, mostly within the retail and commercial business segment across Nigeria, but with no financial wherewithal, can apply. This include but not limited to;

  • Youths (Including university undergraduates)
  • Smallholder farmers
  • Members of farmers cooperatives
  • Agro input dealers
  • Feed distributors
  • Millers and
  • Everyone in the value chain.

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