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Self-certification [Fill as an Entity]

Common Reporting Standard/Automatic Exchange of Information/Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

The Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) regime is based on Common Reporting Standard (CRS), an internationally agreed Standard developed by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to combat tax evasion.

Sterling Bank Plc (Sterling) must comply with the relevant AEOI requirements in all jurisdictions in which the Bank operates. 

In order to fulfill the AEOI requirements, Sterling must collect certain information and/or documentation from customers to establish their tax authorities in other countries or jurisdictions, in accordance with the applicable law.

In addition, the United States (U.S.) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires Financial Institutions to collect and report tax related information on accounts held by U.S. persons. 

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Identification of Account Holder

Current Residence Address

Entity Type

Note: If there are no natural person(s) who exercise control of the Entity then the Controlling Person will be the natural person(s) who hold the position of senior managing official.

Tax Residence Information

Country/Jurisdiction of Residence for Tax Purposes and related Taxpayer Identification Number or functional equivalent (“TIN”)

Please complete the following table indicating (i) where the Account Holder is tax resident and (ii) the Account Holder's TIN for each country/jurisdiction indicated.

Kindly note that TIN/ is mandatory if you are non-resident in Nigeria, and where this is provided by the foreign jurisdiction of residence

CRS Controlling Person(s) Tax Residency Certification
Section 1
Identification of a Controlling Person

(A controlling person can either be by major ownership of shares, director/senior management, trustee position, beneficial owner and so on. Note: If there are no individual(s) who exercise control of the Entity then the Controlling Person will be the individual(s) who hold the position of senior managing official.)

Controlling Person 1

Mailing Address: (please only complete if different from the address shown in Section B above

Controlling Person 2

Mailing Address: (please only complete if different from the address shown in Section B above

Controlling Person 3

Mailing Address: (please only complete if different from the address shown in Section B above

Section 2
Country/Jurisdiction of Residence for Tax Purposes and related Taxpayer Identification Number or functional equivalent (“TIN”)

Please complete the following table indicating: i. where the Controlling Person is tax resident; ii. The Controlling Person's TIN for each country/jurisdiction indicated. (You can also find out more about whether a country/jurisdiction is a Reportable Jurisdiction on the OECD automatic exchange of information portal).

If the Controlling Person is tax resident in more than one country/jurisdiction please use a separate sheet. If a TIN is unavailable please provide the appropriate reason A, B or C:

Reason A

The country/jurisdiction where the controlling person is liable to pay tax does not issue TINs to its residents

Reason B

The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number (Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN in the below table if you have selected this reason)

Reason C

No TIN is required. (Note. Only select this reason if the authorities of the country/jurisdiction of tax residence entered below do not require the TIN to be disclosed)

Controling Person 1
Controling Person 2
Controling Person 3
Declaration and Signature

I understand that this Self-certification and the information supplied in it are subject to the terms and conditions governing the account(s) maintained with Sterling which this Self-Certification relates. I acknowledge that the information contained in this Self-certification and information regarding the Account Holder and any Reportable Account(s) may be provided to the tax authorities of the country/jurisdiction in which this/these account(s) is/are maintained and exchanged with tax authorities of another country/jurisdiction or countries/jurisdictions in which this Account Holder may be a tax resident, pursuant to bilateral or multilateral agreements between governments to exchange financial account information.

I certify that I am authorised to complete and sign this Self-certification for the Account Holder of all of the account(s) to which this Self-certification relates.

I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete.

I undertake to notify the recipient of this Self-certification within 30 days of any change in circumstances which affects the tax residency status of the Account Holder or which causes the information contained herein to become incorrect (including any changes to the information on Controlling Persons identified in Part 3 Question 2, if applicable), and to submit a suitably updated Self-certification and declaration within 30 days of such change in circumstances and to provide any additional information as may be required by Sterling and/or applicable law.

Please note that in providing the certification, a statement that is false, misleading or incorrect may be regarded as an offence and, therefore may be subject to penalties under relevant law or regulation.
