The Rental Property Scam


Prospective tenants were conned into paying a deposit and first month’s rent for a non-existent rental property, leading to financial loss and emphasizing the importance of property viewing and landlord verification before making payments.


Prospective tenants found a rental listing online for a property at a rate well below market value. The scammer, posing as the landlord, requested a deposit and the first month’s rent to secure the property. After payment was made via a wire transfer, it became clear the scammer had no connection to the property, which was not available for rent.


The victims lost their money without reclaiming it, and the scammer disappeared. The situation emphasized the necessity of conducting property viewings and verifying the identity of landlords or agents before making any payments.


When looking for rental properties, always insist on viewing the property in person and meeting the landlord or agent. Be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true and only transfer money with thorough verification.